The impact and potential of harnessing Romania’s offshore wind energy, as well as the economic and social opportunities this industry can bring to the country are highlighted in the World Bank’s Offshore Wind Roadmap for Romania released on September 27, representatives of the Energy Ministry said in a release, stating that the World Bank’s report on Romanian’s Black Sea wind energy potential looks at projects of up to 19 billion euros that could be implemented until 2035, 7 GW of new wind capacity, and up to 77,000 full time equivalent years of employment that could be created by the OSW industry by 2035, inform Agerpres.
“The Black Sea wind energy is a unique opportunity for the development of Romania, which we cannot afford to miss. We are at the forefront and we must remain as such!,” Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja said in the release, pointing out that “the data is fascinating: a total potential of 76 GW (22 GW using foundations…
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